The information provided by Purple Mermaid Media is continuously evolving, and we can now add informative product reviews to our list. Liz Flynn has been writing reviews for other people for many years, so she has plenty of experience in this field of writing.
Writing Reviews: Publishing Our First Product Review
Recently, Liz Flynn has begun writing reviews for the websites that are under the Purple Mermaid media umbrella. She has started with a review of the best soup makers for Super Souper Ed. It is the first of many product reviews to come, that we hope our readers will find helpful and will act as a useful resource in making informed product choices.
Since Super Souper Ed launched in March 2020, the initial aim was to build a catalogue of soup recipes. However, it has always been our intention to provide product reviews on this site.
Writing reviews takes a lot of time and research to ensure the best product selection, and to make sure the reviews we include on our sites are informative and relevant. Therefore, it has taken some time for us to launch this element of our business.
We now also have our first review on The Fruity Tart, and we have started with our recommendations for the best vegan cookbooks.
Writing Reviews: Our Future Plans
We will continue writing reviews for Super Souper Ed, covering products such as hand blenders, food processors, catering soup kettles, and slow cookers. Soon, we hope to begin writing more reviews for the Fruity Tart, including reviews of types of knives. These will cover other kitchen gadgets not related to soup making. These will appear in the site’s review category, along with hotel and restaurant reviews.
As we are only a small business, it will take time to build our catalogue of product reviews. One reason for this is we are also maintaining the other categories on our websites to ensure we provide a diverse range of useful information for our readers. Liz Flynn also continues to write product reviews for other websites.
Watch This Space!
At Purple Mermaid Media, we like to keep our readers up to date. Therefore, we will let our followers know when we have more informative reviews for you to read. So, watch this space!